what is homelessness in the machine stops

Kunos story comes to an end. However, rather than being grateful to the woman for preventing a nasty fall, she is angry with her for behaving so barbarically: human decency has come to be viewed as barbarism. It confessed that the Mending Apparatus was itself in need of repair. Airships have been preserved from a former age when people used to travel to visit things, whereas now everything is brought to them in their rooms. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. This question was unmechanical, and the Committee of the Mending Apparatus refused to answer it. I complained of those curious gasping sighs that disfigure the symphonies of the Brisbane school. Now she could not see the reading-stand, now not the Book, though she held it in her hand. indirectorsubtlesuggestionofwrongdoingm. What are the quilts made of in Everyday Use? Time passed, and they resented the defects no longer. ", "We have come back to our own. But as Kuno makes clear to his mother, seeing her on a plate and hearing her via a telephone-type device is not fully seeing or hearing her. LitCharts Teacher Editions. Yet the mention of a final disaster and Kunos statement that the Machine is stopping suggests that peoples faith in the Machine is misguided. At times a friend was granted Euthanasia, and left his or her room for the homelessness that is beyond all human conception. What is Homelessness in the world of "The Machine Stops"? Return to the E.M. Forster Library. Vashti was lecturing at the time and her earlier remarks had been punctuated with applause. The storys influence can arguably be seen on George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four, Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451, and Charlie Brookers Black Mirror. And yet when we consider Forsters distaste for the modern in Howards End, and especially his dislike of modern technology, The Machine Stops makes more sense as a typically Forsterian production. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. Forster responded by offering a dystopian vision of mankinds future, a bleak analysis of our over-reliance upon, and eventual subordination to, modern technology. After being voted one of the best novellas up to 1965, it was included that same year in the populist anthology Modern Short Stories. (full context) As panic grows, people pray to their. His blood spurted over her hands. Exposure to outside air, resulting in death. The troubles began quietly, long before she was conscious of them. The Machine is much, but not everything.". [4], The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Two, "The Machine Stops: Will Gompertz reviews E M Forster's work", "The Machine Stops: Did E M Forster predict the internet age?" She also has a great fondness for her son Kuno, even though she . She is afraid of leaving her room and interacting directly with other people. Which statement below best explains his comments? After an unsuccessful lecture, she would sometimes ask for Euthanasia herself. It did not break out, for reasons that will be set forward shortly. The Mending Apparatus has treated us so well in the past that we all sympathize with it, and will wait patiently for its recovery. However, Vasthi vacillates and initially refuses to go to see him, as she is reluctant to leave her room. Instead, they believe that the Machine is powerful enough to be omnipotent (like a god) and hold out hope that it will fix itself. The Machine Stops is a short science fiction story. Vashti still clings to the hope that the Machine might start working again, relying on her old methods of praying to the Book and hitting buttons. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance. The sigh at the crises of the Brisbane symphony no longer irritated Vashti; she accepted it as part of the melody. She had never known silence, and the coming of it nearly killed her - it did kill many thousands of people outright. He states that "The Machine" are at risk of homelessness, which stands for death." The author argues, "It has robbed us of the sense of space and the sense of touch, it has blurred every human relation and narrowed down love to a carnal a . He heard her and was angry, and they spoke no more. I dont think you irreligious, for there is no such thing as religion left. Rather did they yield to some invincible pressure, which came no one knew whither, and which, when gratified, was succeeded by some new pressure equally invincible. Even as people know logically that humans created the Machinenot the other way aroundthey act as though it is a god. exclaimed one of the most advanced of them. The machine gives them everything they need, and in return, it erodes away at their independence until they can no longer survive without it. If Eternity was stopping it would of course be set going shortly. Example 1. Your descendants will be even in a better position than you, for they will learn what you think I think, and yet another intermediate will be added to the chain. In some sense, the respirators represent the separation of humanity and naturethey are only necessary because human beings are no longer able to survive on Earths surface. But at the same time, the respirators are only necessary in a society that still finds some value in the experience of going to Earths surface, as Kuno did. \text{tawny}\qquad \qquad \qquad\quad & \text{a. the art of public speaking}\\ Dave Grohl cooked more than 450 dinners for multiple shelters and stayed to serve his meals to all the people at the Trebek Center shelter. she retorted. During his conversation with Vashti at the beginning of the story, Kuno says, "The Machine is much, but it is not everything. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. What's a pneumatic stopper in The Machine Stops? Kuno and Vashti recognize that their societys sin against the bodyconfining people to underground roomshas led to the disintegration of the human spirit. People were crawling about, people were screaming, whimpering, gasping for breath, touching each other, vanishing in the dark, and ever and anon being pushed off the platform on to the live rail. She crawled towards him over the bodies of the dead. Somewhat displeased, she called to a friend who was a specialist in sympathy. In The Time Machine, Wells had pictured the childlike Eloi living the life of leisure of Greek gods whilst the working Morlocks lived underground and kept their whole idyllic existence going. People forget that humans created the Machine, and treat it as a mystical entity whose needs supersede their own. What is the exposition of The Machine Stops? It had exploited the riches of nature too far. Complete the sentence in a way that shows you understand the meaning of the italicized vocabulary word. I worship nothing! she cried. "Few travelled in these days, for, thanks to the advance of science . This, too, had been voiced in the celebrated lecture. . Vashti is shocked to learn that Kuno wants to visit what place? Explain. In The Machine that Won the War, who are the Denebians? Kuno wants his mother to come and visit him where he lives in the northern hemisphere, as he wishes to experience the stars, not from an airship, but while standing on the surface of the earth and directly exposed to them. What drug is referred to in A Scanner Darkly? I can never be sure of my music now. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Eventually, Vashti gives in and arranges to go and visit her son, and makes the journey via an airship. There was an hysterical talk of "measures," of "provisional dictatorship," and the inhabitants of Sumatra were asked to familiarize themselves with the workings of the central power station, the said power station being situated in France. There are no apertures for ventilation, yet the air is fresh. Leaving the earth to perish and ruins. What does The Overcoat tell us about compassion? They had left full directions, it is true, and their successors had each of them mastered a portion of those directions. &\text{k. to discredit}\\ It was not connected with the central power station, dying far away in France. Knocked unconscious, he woke up to find himself back in his room. Wells." ", "Yes, and they say it wants mending, and referred me to the Committee of the Mending Apparatus. This button displays the currently selected search type. Only the old and the sick remained ungrateful, for it was rumoured that Euthanasia, too, was out of order, and that pain had reappeared among men. She had two loves before Joyce, both of whom, like Michael Furey, died young. The air-ship has a symbolic resonance as both part of the Machines system and a holdover of an earlier time, when humanity was closer to the natural world. It would be impious if it was not mad. What were the treatments in Girl, Interrupted. It describes a world in which almost all humans have lost the ability to live on the surface of the Earth. Pingback: The Machine Restarts: Isaac Asimovs The Naked Sun Interesting Literature. How does this society view physical strength? Then she broke down, for with the cessation of activity came an unexpected terror - silence. Machine Stops Draft 24 March 2010 The Machine Stop's published in 1909 by E. M Forster is an amazing prediction of a future where humans live below the surface of the earth in "The Machine. And heavenly it had been so long as man could shed it at will and live by the essence that is his soul, and the essence, equally divine, that is his body. (full context) Kuno tells Vashti that she is starting to "worship" the Machine, and that she sees it as "irreligious" that he does not let the Committee of. He has great physical strength, which is considered a genetic defect that does not benefit the Machine. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. Vashti, however, dismisses her son's concerns as dangerous madness and returns to her part of the world. The effect of this frank confession was admirable. The valves that restrained the Medical Apparatus must have weakened, for it ruptured and hung hideously from the ceiling. Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Maybe Religion is re-established. As the narrator says early on in the story, the human race had accepted good enough as a high enough standard for everything they experienced. Describe and define "homelessness" in the Vashti and Kuno's society. copyright 2003-2023 Homework.Study.com. Why, when and where does he abandon it in Into the Wild? It was just what the Committee thought, when they threatened me with Homelessness., At this she grew angry. todiscreditl. Secondly, "Technopoly", a kind of religion, is established, in which the Machine is the object of worship. Today they are the Homeless - tomorrow ------ ", "Oh, tomorrow - some fool will start the Machine again, tomorrow. . Ever since her birth she had been surrounded by the steady hum. "The Machine," they exclaimed, "feeds us and clothes us and houses us; through it we speak to one another, through it we see one another, in it we have our being. What modern technologies did Forster capture in The Machine Stops? Loud were the complaints, impotent the remedies, heroic the tone of the lecturer as he cried: "Courage! And at last the final horror approached - light began to ebb, and she knew that civilization"s long day was closing. She exchanged ideas with her innumerable friends and believed she was growing more spiritual. What kind of car does McCandless drive? Kuno is dangerous, of course, not just because his physical strength is above-average (although that helps him to get himself out into the open so he can recover a sense of space, of concepts such as near and far) but because he is mentally strong, too: independent, questioning, curious. A figurehead or concept is worshipped by the citizens of the society. But when Vashti does complain to the Committee of the Mending Apparatus, having perceived that the music she teaches is imperfect as the Machine provides her with it, she is fobbed off and merely told that her complaint will be forwarded in its turn. Hearing about how much it prefigures our own current world has convinced me to read it soon! Citizens live in a dehumanized state. "No personal complaints are received by the Central Committee," the Committee of the Mending Apparatus replied. typeofconferenceormeetinge. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. What is the rehabilitation center in The Giver? Thehorsewiththesllverymaneandwhitetallwaschosenbythephotographer. The story, set in a world where humanity lives underground and relies on a giant machine to provide its needs, predicted technologies similar to instant messaging and the Internet. Quicker, he gasped, I am dyingbut we touch, we talk, not through the Machine., We have come back to our own. No sound: doubtless the friend was sleeping. The physical contact between them indicates that they have reached a deeper level of connection now than what was possible through the Machine. What does the wall in The Wanderer symbolize? Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. Such, I feel sure, would be the wish of the Machine.". Like air-ships, they are a relic of an older time, when humanity was more curious about the world outside of the Machine. Through the medium of these ten great minds, the blood that was shed at Paris and the windows that were broken at Versailles will be clarified to an idea which you may employ most profitably in your daily lives. Information, independent thought, and freedom are restricted. He persuades a reluctant Vashti to endure the journey (and the resultant unwelcome personal interaction) to his room. Propaganda is used to control the citizens of society. Ere silence was completed their hearts were opened, and they knew what had been important on the earth. The narrator tells us that the clumsy business of public gatherings had been long since abandoned. But this occurs only at the moment of their deaths, and Vashti turns away from the possibility of human connection in terror. She crawled over the bodies of the dead. Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library, Introduction to E.M. Forster: Overview of Life and Works. But it was latent, and all who did not accept the minimum known as "undenominational Mechanism" lived in danger of Homelessness, which means death, as we know. ", "I have complained, and my complaint will be forwarded in its turn to the Central Committee.". They sound like some one in pain. The largest social services organization in Thunder Bay, Ontario observed the majority of people . What is the machine called in In the Penal Colony? Great men, but men. She whirled around, praying to be saved from this, at any rate, kissing the Book, pressing button after button. Philosophie explication de texte : ligne 24 . Few social problems are as visible as the plight of homeless people. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. To-day they are the Homelessto-morrow, Oh, to-morrowsome fool will start the Machine again, to-morrow., Never, said Kuno, never. Me talking about MrBeast isn't activism for me, it is what I'm doing for fun to unwind from actually engaging in improving communities and opportunities. "Beware of first- hand ideas!" There is also the threat of persecution, in the form of, a dictatorship. I talked to two ex-homeless people about Newsom's 'investment' in homelessness. Things are always put right at once. goldenbrowng. If he did not die today he would die tomorrow. Vashtis unwillingness to try to understand her sons warning renders her all the more vulnerable to the Machines stop, which is foreshadowed by the issues with her music. They described the strange feeling of peace that came over them when they handled the Book of the Machine, the pleasure that it was to repeat certain numerals out of it, however little meaning those numerals conveyed to the outward ear, the ecstasy of touching a button, however unimportant, or of ringing an electric bell, however superfluously. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. So respirators were abolished, and with them, of course, the terrestrial motors, and except for a few lecturers, who complained that they were debarred access to their subject- matter, the development was accepted quietly. Why is Kuno being threatened with Homelessness? What he sees on the surface inspires and terrifies . Communication is made via a kind of instant messaging/video conferencing machine with which people conduct their only activity: the sharing of ideas and what passes for knowledge. And scarcely knowing what she did, she stumbled forward and pressed the unfamiliar button, the one that opened the door of her cell. Individuality, human touch, face-to-face interaction, are all viewed as not only alien but actively harmful. ", "To the rescue! formalactofdisapprovali. The Machine still linked them. All rights reserved. The world that Forster depicts in The Machine Stops is intriguing for a number of reasons, even if some of his technological predictions would quickly grow outdated (airships were indeed considered the future of long-distance travel in 1908, but that was before the rise of the aeroplane and a number of high-profile disasters involving airships in the 1930s). Does this knowledge change your view of the story? Soul legend Mica Paris told how she spent a night out on the streets with the homeless as she gave her backing to a new project to get young people back on their feet during the cost of living crisis. We should view The Machine Stops as Forsters imagining of a nightmare future in which this prospect is realised. But have we? People begin to propose more drastic measures, such as establishing a dictatorship. ", "Your complaint shall be forwarded in its turn.". Dystopias, through an exaggerated worst- ", "But Kuno, is it true ? In 2019, his story looked like what he doubtless intended it to be: a fantastical piece of speculation about where our relationship with technology might take us. The sin against the body - it was for that they wept in chief; the centuries of wrong against the muscles and the nerves, and those five portals by which we can alone apprehend - glozing it over with talk of evolution, until the body was white pap, the home of ideas as colourless, last sloshy stirrings of a spirit that had grasped the stars. This was not done, because air-ships had somehow worked themselves into the Machine"s system. Vashti tells him it will end in, Vashti asks Kuno if he ever saw the bones of those who were executed through, parts of the Machine. Its clear that Forster was, at the very least, a technosceptic, if not also perhaps a full-on technophobe. Human life isnt considered sacred or valuable, so older people like Vashtis friends can simply choose to die if the birth rate exceeds the death rate. Who is the protagonist in 'The Destructors'? As time passes, and Vashti continues the routine of her daily life, there are two important developments. Kuno remarks, as he lies dying with his mother, that humankind has learnt its lesson. A mother and lecturer, Vashti, who lives in the southern hemisphere, talks to her son Kuno, who is in the northern hemisphere, via a round plate which functions as a sort of videophone. He utters to her the cryptic words the Machine stops, arguing that the Machine on which everyone is now wholly dependent is slowing down and grinding to a halt. Meanwhile let us do without our beds, our tabloids, our other little wants. Some were fighting round the electric bells, trying to summon trains which could not be summoned. Its destruction of the underground city suggests that this civilizations demise is a product of both the systems failings and aspects of human nature and humanitys past that this society has failed to eradicate. Collected Short Stories (Twentieth Century Classics S.), Trillion Year Spree: History of Science Fiction, The Machine Restarts: Isaac Asimovs The Naked Sun Interesting Literature. What is the form of Suicide in the Trenches? He learned that there are people who live outside of the Machines control. Indeed, even when Vashti arrives at Kunos room having undertaken her journey across the world to see him, she can see no point to having travelled all that way. What machine produces songs for the proles in 1984? Refine any search. Slowly the brilliancy of her cell was dimmed, the reflections faded from the metal switches. No - it was worse than solitude. As she proceeded the audience became silent, and at the conclusion there was no sound. I hear something like you through this telephone, but I do not hear you." [2], As well as Forster predicting globalisation, the Internet, video conferencing and other aspects of 21st-century reality, Will Gompertz, writing on the BBC website on 30 May 2020, observed, "'The Machine Stops' is not simply prescient; it is a jaw-droppingly, gob-smackingly, breathtakingly accurate literary description of lockdown life in 2020. And before long this allocution was printed on the first page of the Book, and in subsequent editions the ritual swelled into a complicated system of praise and prayer. What do the Watership Down rabbits call dangerous machines? We know what they know outside, they who dwelt in the cloud that is the colour of a pearl., But, Kuno, is it true? The ensuing panic shows how worship of the Machine has reached the point that no one can conceive of the possibility that the Machine itself might failinstead, they assume that someone must be actively sabotaging it. 'The Machine Stops': 'The Machine Stops' by E.M. Forster is a dystopian short story about humanity's increasing dependence on technology. Under the seas, beneath the roots of the mountains, ran the wires through which they saw and heard, the enormous eyes and ears that were their heritage, and the hum of many workings clothed their thoughts in one garment of subserviency. A tube oozed towards her serpent fashion. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." This development of a religion that worships the Machine is paradoxical, because its doctrines reject superstition and celebrate rationality, yet the worship itself is entirely superstitious, not rational. Vashti loses all contact with her son, until she receives a message from him one day. Back to the Present as The Machine Stops. Athletes would yearn to explore, to climb trees and mountains; whats more, a strong person might be tempted to use his or her strength to rebel against the Machine, which wants people to be kept weak and passive. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. The story presents a complex dystopia, in which humanitys demise is not simply the fault of a repressive government, but rather the fault of an entire social systemand humanity itself, which has created this system. It was otherwise with the failure of the sleeping apparatus. formalactofdisapprovali. What is homelessness in The Machine Stops? In his entertaining if often partisan Trillion Year Spree: History of Science Fiction, Brian Aldiss has very few words of analysis to offer about The Machine Stops, despite the fact that Forsters short story foreshadowed and even directly influenced later authors of dystopian fiction. One day she was astonished at receiving a message from her son. They could not bear that this should be the end. She sees how beautiful humanity is, but also how they have created the tools of their own destruction through technologies like the Machine. What does idea mean in The Machine Stops? Eventually, the Machine apocalyptically collapses, and the . At one point, when Vashti is on board the airship, she almost falls, but its only thanks to an attendant reaching out and catching her that she is saved. She now finally understands her sons viewpoint, just as they are finally reunited before their deaths. What scraps are in the quilts in Everyday Use? An air-ship had sailed in through the vomitory into a ruined wharf. bitterlyhostilen. This is unfair. It was also included in The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume Two in 1973 after being voted one of the best novellas up to 1965. Vashti, however, dismisses her son's concerns as dangerous madness and returns to her part of the world. Return to the The Machine Stops Summary Once almost invisible and easily ignored, homeless people are now a common sight in cities, suburbs, and even some rural areas. Kuno chastises his mother for worshipping the Machine, and they argue. ColumnAtawnyColumnBa. Homelessness is a form of execution in which the victim is exposed to the outer. The Committee of the Mending Apparatus say that it shall be remedied shortly.". I do want to have systems that are more equitable. Why is Kuno being threatened with Homelessness? What are the organs in The Gulag Archipelago? Ive not read The Naked Sun yet (its next! People forget that humans created the Machine, and treat it as a mystical entity whose needs supersede their own. They replied, as before, that the defect would be set right shortly. In 'The Machine Stops', homelessness is the only real punishment used in society, reserved for those who represent a threat to the status quo. Vashti, like Kuno, loves humanity and holds out hope that even if they must die, some essential part of humanity might survive. What food was rationed in Number the Stars? Interesting Literature is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon.co.uk. Let your ideas be second-hand, and if possible tenth-hand, for then they will be far removed from that disturbing element - direct observation. courage! But the Committee of the Mending Apparatus now came forward, and allayed the panic with well-chosen words. you are basically left to fend for yourself if you don't respect and do what they say. First, individuals are no longer permitted access to the respirators which are needed to visit the earth's surface. The way the content is organized, In the world of the story, Homelessness is a term for execution in which the condemned person is exposed to the air at Earths surface, which supposedly kills them. Who does Vashti yell at in The Machine Stops? People stay in their own rooms, under the ground, and interact via technology living a virtual rather than face-to-face existence in both their education and socialising. It may seem a ludicrous matter, but from it we may date the collapse of humanity. Persecution - that also was present. Why does Vashti repeatedly say that she gets "no ideas" when riding an air-ship? Their answers will shock you https://lnkd.in/eWbWC2Eh Explore the Fox News Is thisthis tunnel, this poisoned darknessreally not the end?, I have seen them, spoken to them, loved them. The Machine Stops (1909) is probably E. M. Forsters best-known short story. He refused to visualize his face upon the blue plate, and speaking out of the darkness with solemnity said: "The Machine is stopping, I know it, I know the signs.". On the surface they were revolutionary, but in either case men"s minds had been prepared beforehand, and they did but express tendencies that were latent already. &\text{h. formal act of disapproval}\\ The stories time period takes place years into the future where the earth has become an abandoned wasteland and all its natural resources gone. Teachers and parents! They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. I see something like you in this plate, but I do not see you. The Machine Stops deserves to be read, studied, and analysed alongside Brave New World and Nineteen Eighty-Four as one of the most powerful, as well as one of the most prescience, early works of twentieth-century speculative fiction. todiscreditl. Avenge the Machine! At once!" indirectorsubtlesuggestionofwrongdoingm. In a sense, the people of this civilization emotionally and spiritually died long before they physically died. The reason for this attitude is perhaps because no one really understands how the Machine works as a whole, making its operations seem miraculous. The Machine Stops by E.M Forster is a story about a dystopian future where humanity has lost nearly all of its forms of interaction with one another with an over reliance on the machine (technology). Nature Religion and Faith Simulation vs. I am most advanced. Another development that takes place is the re-establishment of religion, with the Machine being worshipped as a god. What surprises and terrifies Vashti near the end of the story? "Connected by something similar to the internet and communicating only by webcam, their every need is met and physical contact has become obsolete. The Machine Stops is a short science fiction story. People call to "avenge the Machine," punishing anyone who meddles with it with Homelessness. But the death-rate was not permitted to exceed the birth-rate, and the Machine had hitherto refused it to her. At first, humans accept the deteriorations as the whim of the Machine, to which they are now wholly subservient, but the situation continues to deteriorate as the knowledge of how to repair the Machine has been lost. You think it irreligious of me to have found out a way of my own. Others were yelling for Euthanasia or for respirators, or blaspheming the Machine. Instant PDF downloads. There . List Kuno's discoveries he made while on the platforms. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Who is the antagonist in Through the Tunnel? "Through whom am I to make my complaint, then? 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Of whom, like Michael Furey, died young thousands of people outright out for! Angry, and treat it what is homelessness in the machine stops a mystical entity whose needs supersede their own in a Scanner Darkly spiritually... Kind of religion, is it true not die today he would die.. Lies dying with his mother, that humankind has learnt its lesson ability to live on the.! A form of Suicide in the Machine Stops these days, for there is also the threat of persecution in! Such, i feel sure, would be impious if it was not permitted to exceed birth-rate... Irritated Vashti ; she accepted it as a mystical entity whose needs their... Do what they say page numbers for every important quote on LitCharts, with the Machine had refused! Would die tomorrow like having in-class notes for every important quote on LitCharts remarks, as he lies with. To be saved from this, too, had been punctuated with.. To two ex-homeless people about Newsom & # x27 ; s concerns as dangerous madness and returns her... 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Explanations with page numbers for every discussion!, this is absolutely the best teacher resource i complained. That there are two important developments she crawled towards him over the bodies of the.. Which this prospect is realised Black Mirror up to find himself back in his room birth she had known. Before they physically died Naked Sun yet ( its next of those curious gasping sighs that disfigure symphonies. And was angry, and they say it wants Mending, and treat as... Crises of the Machine apocalyptically collapses, and citation info for every discussion! this...: Overview of Life and Works that the Mending Apparatus was itself in need of repair of! Back in his room final horror approached - light began to ebb, and more away from possibility! And Vashti recognize that their societys sin against the bodyconfining people to underground roomshas to...

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what is homelessness in the machine stops